Helping curious students explore modern opportunities for the data-driven world.

Mission Statement

The Data Science & AI Club (DS&AI) is a student-led organization that serves as a central hub for students interested in the data sciences and its multifaceted applications in the modern world. We aim to fulfill the needs of CPP students by providing opportunities to expand personal and professional networks, and hosting events with an aim to bolster relevant skills applicable to professional development. DS&AI organizes a wide range of initiatives such as social gatherings, competitions, development workshops, and collaborations with other CPP clubs.

Why Become a Member? DS&AI club members get access to exclusive opportunities like Kaggle Teams, subsidized conferences, and learning resources to further their knowledge. Click the "more info" button to learn more about how you can become a member!


More Info!

Kaggle Teams


What is the Data Science & AI Club (DS&AI) Kaggle Team? DS&AI is now recruiting club members to be part of the official DS&AI Kaggle Team. As a team member, you will be responsible for finding a dataset and entering a competition on the Kaggle website. For more information about the Kaggle Team, click on the sign-up button to the right.

What is a Datathon? One of DS&AI's flagship events are Datathons. Datathons are competitions similar in nature to hackathons but with a greater emphasis on data analysis. These collaborative events are intended to have members apply their data science skills in order to solve problems using real world datasets.



DS&AI Future Events DS&AI has a plethora of different events planned for the rest of the semester. Our general meetings happen every Thursday during U-Hour(12pm - 1pm). If you are curious about other future events, click the button to the left to find out more!